Kraken Careers

Kraken Careers is a WordPress plugin specifically for recruitment. With it you can create and manage your own job postings, accept job applications, collaborate with HR Team members about job applicants, and more. Job postings are automatically listed with Google Jobs and can also be integrated with Indeed (requires additional setup).

Usage: The Kraken Careers plugin is offered exclusively to clients of Splash Media Group Inc. For more information, contact us.


Get familiar with Kraken Careers and what you need to get setup.

Plugin Settings

Settings and requirements that power job postings and applications.

Create and Manage Job Postings

Learn how to create, edit and delete your job postings.

View and Manage Job Applications

Learn how to manage job applications.

Training & Support

Need some additional training or discover a bug? Email Mike or call us at 1-855-560-6255

End User License Agreement

Please read the End User License Agreement for information to guide and govern your use of our products and services