Display Jobs on other Pages or Posts

Access level required: HR Admin / HR Editor

Use a shortcode to display jobs on other parts of your site.

By default, job posting are displayed on the Careers page. If you want to display a few jobs on other pages or posts, you can do so by using our shortcode.

Let’s Get Started…

  • Go to the page or post you want to display some job listings
  • Insert the WordPress Shortcode block where you want the job listings to display
  • Copy the following shortcode example and paste it into the WordPress Shortcode block.
[kraken-list-careers type="TYPE" category="CATEGORY" location="LOCATION" company="COMPANY" display="LAYOUTTYPE" amount="NUMBEROFLISTINGS"]
  • Replace the shortcode’s placeholders:
    • TYPE
      Copy one Category found in the plugin’s Basic Settings
      Copy one from the ‘City’ box found in the plugin’s Job Location Settings
      Copy one from the ‘Company Label’ box found in the plugin’s Company Profile Settings
      Copy and use one of the following: ‘grid’, ‘row’, or ‘row-column
      Enter the amount you want displayed

Example, this is how you would display 5, full-time job listings from the Marketing category with the location of New York and using the grid layout:

[kraken-list-careers type="FULL_TIME" category="Marketing" location="New York" company="" display="grid" amount="5"]

Helpful Tip: If you don’t want to display by TYPE, leave it empty. Same thing for CATEGORY, LOCATION, and COMPANY.

  • Click the Update button to save and then view your page or post to see the results.