Hide / Unhide Job Posting

Access level required: HR Admin / HR Editor

Don’t want to delete a job posting? Hide it. Then when you need it, unhide it.

For job postings that you are constantly hiring for, you may want to hide it from public viewing instead of deleting it. Then in the future when you need it, you can unhide it.

Hiding a Job Posting

  • In the WordPress dashboard click on Careers, then View Careers to access the list of your job postings
  • Hover over the job posting you want to hide
  • In the menu that appears, click Quick Edit, which will display additional settings
  • Change the Status from Published to Draft

Unhiding a Job Posting

Important: You should first edit your job posting with the latest dates and job details prior to unhiding it.

  • In the WordPress dashboard click on Careers, then View Careers to access the list of your job postings
  • Hover over the job posting you want to unhide
  • In the menu that appears, click Quick Edit, which will display additional settings
  • Change the Status from Draft to Published