
Image Files

Careers allows images to be displayed in certain areas related to your job postings. A logo graphic is displayed in the Company Profile, and a feature image can be displayed to represent a job’s location (feature image is optional). In WordPress, all image files get uploaded to and are stored in the Media Library. Below are some recommendations we have for using images.

File Naming Convention

We recommend that you figure out a consistent way of naming your image files, then name your files accordingly prior to uploading them to the Media Library. Using a brief, but descriptive file name will help you search for and keep track of your images more easily.

IMPORTANT: Image names should be in lower-case, contain no special characters or empty spaces, and use hyphens to separate words.

For your company logo, you could name it:

  • careers-yourcompanyname.png
  • careers-logo-yourcompanyname.png

If using feature images, you could name them:

  • careers-location-vancouver.jpg
  • careers-location-kelowna.jpg
  • careers-location-calgary.jpg

File Types

  • For photographic images, use a JPG.
  • For your logo, use a PNG.