User Roles

In WordPress, anyone you allow access to login to the site is called a user, each having their own user account and assigned user role. Their are different WordPress default user roles, each with certain capabilities, or permissions, that spell out the actions the user can take on your website.

The Careers plugin creates 3 additional user roles, HR Admin, HR Editor, and HR Staff. For access to work with Careers, one of these roles must be applied to a user.

Note: The only other user role that can access Careers is the Administrator role, which is one of WordPress’ default roles and provides the highest level of access. We don’t recommend using this role when setting up users to access Careers, as it allows full website access.

HR Admin

This role is for users who head-up the Human Resources for your company and require full access to Careers, such as an Owner, President, HR Director, Manager, etc. You can assign this role to more than 1 user, however it’s recommended to only assign to those requiring this high level of access. This role also allows you to access a few other areas of your website, not just Careers.

With this role you can:

  • Add, edit, and delete job postings
  • Edit and delete job applications
  • Edit Career plugin settings
  • edit your website’s pages and posts
  • Add, edit and delete website users

HR Editor

This role is for users who don’t require the same level of access that the HR Admin role has, yet are still heavily involved in creating job posts and managing applicants. You can assign this role to more than 1 user, however it’s recommended to only assign to those requiring mid-level access to Careers.

With this role you can:

  • Add, edit, and delete job postings
  • Edit and delete job applications
  • Edit Career plugin settings

HR Staff

This role is for users only needing access to job applications. This role provides low-level access to Careers, allowing users to view, make notes and send to another team member. You can assign this role to more than 1 user.

With this role you can:

  • View and edit job applications

Up next: User Setup

Now that you know about Career’s User Roles, you will need to learn how to setup users, either existing or new, and assign the appropriate role.